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How to choose solar streetlight poles?

The difference between hot-dip galvanizing and cold galvanizing
Solar street light poles are exposed to wind, sun and rain outdoors, and their corrosion resistance is very important for prolonged use. To improve this property, steel is usually galvanized.

Galvanizing is divided into hot-dip galvanizing and cold galvanizing. We usually recommend buying hot-dip galvanized tubular steel poles because they have better corrosion resistance. Why hot dip galvanized poles have better corrosion resistance, and what is the difference between hot and cold galvanizing?

I. Hot dip galvanizing process
Hot-dip galvanizing is a process in which the street lighting pole is first treated on the surface in an acidic solution. Then, a uniform layer of zinc-iron alloy is formed on the surface of the steel pole by immersion in a high-temperature zinc liquid, which achieves the anti-corrosion effect of the steel pole.

Hot-dip galvanizing has the following advantages:

  1. Thick coating: the hot dip galvanized coating usually has a thickness of 10μm or more, which can better protect the steel bar from corrosion.

  2. Strong adhesion: The galvanized coating formed by the hot dip galvanizing process is closely bonded to the surface of the steel bar, so it has strong adhesion and cannot peel off easily.

  3. Strong durability: Due to the thick galvanized layer formed by hot dip galvanizing process, the durability is better than the galvanized layer formed by cold dip galvanizing process.

Although hot dip galvanizing has many advantages, it also has the following disadvantages:

  1. High production cost: hot dip galvanizing requires high temperature conditions, so the production cost is relatively high.

  2. Complicated operation: The hot dip galvanizing process requires professional equipment and technology for operation, so the operation is more difficult.
    The difference between hot-dip galvanizing and cold galvanizing
    II. cold galvanizing
    Cold galvanizing is a process in which the steel bar is immersed in a zinc-containing electrolyte, and a uniform zinc layer is formed on the surface of the steel bar by galvanization, achieving the purpose of corrosion protection.

The cold galvanizing process has the following advantages:

  1. Low production costs: Compared with hot-dip galvanizing, the production cost of cold galvanizing is relatively low.

  2. Easy operation: The operation of cold galvanizing is relatively simple, so the difficulty of operation is relatively low.

Although cold galvanizing has the above advantages, it also has the following disadvantages:

  1. Thin coating: the thickness of cold galvanized coating is usually only 3-5μm, so its corrosion resistance is relatively low.

  2. Poor adhesion: the galvanized layer formed by cold galvanizing is not firmly bonded to the surface of the steel bar, so the adhesion is relatively weak and easy to peel off.

Hot-dip galvanizing is much more difficult in production and has higher requirements. Therefore, some companies with relatively old equipment or on a smaller scale usually use cold galvanizing, which is much cheaper and more cost-effective. Manufacturers who produce hot-dip galvanizing are generally more formal, have a larger scale and can carry out better quality control, but the cost is higher.
The difference between hot-dip galvanizing and cold galvanizing
How to distinguish between hot dip galvanizing and cold dip galvanizing?

  1. Pay attention to the color and gloss of the galvanized layer: the galvanized layer of hot-dip galvanizing and hot-dip galvanizing is relatively uniform in color, shows a bright silver-white color, and the gloss is higher. The galvanized layer usually appears bluish-gray, and the gloss is relatively low.

  2. Check the thickness of the galvanized layer: the thickness of the galvanized layer in hot-dip galvanizing and hot-dip galvanizing is generally between 45-75μm and 60μm or more, and whether it meets the requirements can be judged by measuring the thickness of the galvanized layer. The thickness of the galvanized layer is generally between 5-15μm, and its thickness usually cannot be measured directly.

  3. Check the adhesion of the galvanized layer: the adhesion of the galvanized layer can be checked by scratch tests or drilling tests on the galvanized layer. The adhesion of the galvanized layer in hot-dip galvanizing and hot-dip galvanizing is usually good and not easy to peel off, while the adhesion of the electroplated layer is relatively weak and easy to peel off.

4.Check the uniformity of the galvanized layer: the uniformity of the galvanized layer can be checked by observing the surface of the galvanized layer. The hot-dip galvanized and dip-galvanized layer is usually relatively uniform and has no obvious bumps or dents, while the cold-galvanized layer may have some bumps or dents due to the galvanization process.

In summary, when selecting solar light poles, it is recommended to choose hot-dip galvanized poles that have undergone a rigorous production process to ensure their corrosion resistance and durability. When inspecting the poles, it is important to check the color, thickness, adhesion and uniformity of the galvanized layer to ensure the quality of the poles.
The difference between hot-dip galvanizing and cold galvanizing
This is the answer to the question of how to select suitable solar streetlight poles. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact us. We are a professional manufacturer of lamp posts, street lights and high mast lights in China.

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